23 decrees found
Approved Unified Draft of Personal Affairs
The most important principles included in the articles of the Unified Draft of Personal Affairs, which was approved by the Holy Synod after discussion and amendment in the meeting of the Holy Synod...
Keywords: Marriage, Prohibited Relationships, Divorce, Marital Disputes
Chatper: Personal Affairs
Published: 21 February 1979
Requirements of documentations and certificates for marriages
The Holy Synod decided as follows:
- Making a standardised certificate for the absence of marital encumbrances, bearing the signature of the Priest of the church, the seal of the church, a...
Keywords: Marriage, Divorce, Formailities of Marriages
Chatper: Personal Affairs
Published: 21 June 1986
Design of the certificate of absence of marital encumbrances
A design for a certificate of absence of marital encumbrances was discussed, and it was approved after making the necessary amendments, provided that the Synodal Committee of the Dioceses circulate...
Keywords: Marriage, Formailities of Marriages
Chatper: Personal Affairs
Published: 25 May 1991
Requirements for preparing for marriages, assessment of widowers, medical examination, and advertisment of engagements
- His Holiness the Pope spoke about the importance of what ought to be included in the engagement report, and the prohibition on reserving the church for an Engagement or Marriage without a form...
Keywords: Marriage, Formailities of Marriages, Pre-Marital Assessments, Widows & Widowers
Chatper: Personal Affairs
Published: 13 June 1992
Rule on prohibited marriages
The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church that is meeting in the Church of St. Anthony in the Papal Residence in Cairo on the Blessed Saturday, which equates to 05/06/1993 (28 Pashans 1709), ann...
Keywords: Marriage, Prohibited Relationships
Chatper: Personal Affairs
Published: 05 June 1993
Importance of marital documentation
The Holy Synod confirmed that it is necessary to care for the documentation circles, especially when the need arises to create new circles.
Keywords: Marriage, Formailities of Marriages
Chatper: Personal Affairs
Published: 18 June 1994
Practice of medical assessment prior to marriage
The Holy Synod requested that the dioceses that practise medical examination on those who are intending to marry, are to present their experiences in this topic to the Holy Synod and the forthcomin...
Keywords: Marriage, Pre-Marital Assessments
Chatper: Personal Affairs
Published: 18 June 1994
Recording value of the engagement ring
The Holy Synod decided that it is necessary to mention the true value for the engagement ring in the Engagement Records, to avoid issues if the engagement is broken.
Keywords: Formailities of Marriages, Engagement Ring, Engagement
Chatper: Personal Affairs
Published: 18 June 1994
Requirements for marital documenation, and issues regarding marriages outside the Church
Agreement has been reached in the relation to the following points:
- Copies of the certificate of absence of marital encumbrances are not accepted; only originals. Also, it is not conside...
Keywords: Marriage, Formailities of Marriages, Pre-Marital Assessments
Chatper: Personal Affairs
Published: 10 June 1995
Consequences of withdrawn marriage proposal
In the event that either party refuses to marry without a lawful reason or lawful justification, or if one of the parties invokes the provisions of the record, the following will take place:
Keywords: Marital Disputes, Engagement Ring, Engagement
Chatper: Personal Affairs
Published: 01 June 1996