12 decrees found
Dialogue with the World Alliance of Reformed Churches
In the meeting on 05/03/1993
In its report, the Church Relations Committee presented to the Holy Synod that, in the first meeting in the period between 02-05/05/1993 in the Monastery o...
Keywords: Eccumenical dialogues, Christology, Women, Homosexuality, Biblical interpretation
Chatper: Relations and Dialogues with Churches, Other Denominations, and International Institutes
Published: 14 June 1997
Dialogue with the Church of Sweden
In the meeting on 01/06/1996
There was a brief mention of the meeting between us and the Church of Sweden, which represented our Church Their Graces: Bishop Bishoy, Bishop Moses, Bisho...
Keywords: Bishops, Consecrations & Ordinations, Rites & Rituals, Priests, Eccumenical dialogues, Baptism, Women, Homosexuality, Church of Sweden, Deacons, Icons
Chatper: Relations and Dialogues with Churches, Other Denominations, and International Institutes
Published: 14 June 1997
Dialogue with the Assyrian Nestorians
In the meeting on 01/06/1996
It became clear to the Holy Synod after examining what happened in the Syrian Dialogue in Vienna in June 1994 and February 1996 that the Assyrians (the Ass...
Keywords: Eccumenical dialogues, Middle Eastern Council of Churches, Christology, Nestorians
Chatper: Relations and Dialogues with Churches, Other Denominations, and International Institutes
Published: 29 May 1999
World Council of Churches
In the meeting on 14/06/2003
It was presented to the Synod that the work of the special Committee has continued for the inclusion of the Orthodox Churches in the Council, through the m...
Keywords: Eccumenical dialogues, World Council of Churches
Chatper: Relations and Dialogues with Churches, Other Denominations, and International Institutes
Published: 14 June 2003
Dialogue with Bible Societies
The Holy Synod was informed that representatives of the Eastern Orthodox Churches had met with the International Union of Bible Societies in Lebanon on February 2004. It was agreed that the Bible S...
Keywords: Eccumenical dialogues, Bible Societies
Chatper: Relations and Dialogues with Churches, Other Denominations, and International Institutes
Published: 29 May 2004
Dialogue with the Russian Church
In the meeting on 02/06/2001
The Holy Synod of our Church had taken note that the Patriarch of Moscow, Alexei II had sent a letter to us (dated 12/04/2000) requesting a dialogue with t...
Keywords: Eccumenical dialogues, Christology, Patriarch of Moscow, Syrian Orthodox, Church of Sweden
Chatper: Relations and Dialogues with Churches, Other Denominations, and International Institutes
Published: 18 June 2005
Dialogue with Chalcedonian Orthodox Churches
In the meeting on 21/06/1986
The events the beginning of the official dialogue between the non-Chalcedonian Orthodox Churches and the Chalcedonian Orthodox Churches regarding the natur...
Keywords: Eccumenical dialogues, Joint statement, Patriarch of Antioch, Calcedonian Churches, Christology, Greek Orthodox
Chatper: Relations and Dialogues with Churches, Other Denominations, and International Institutes
Published: 26 May 2007
Eastern Orthodox Churches in the Middle East
In the meeting on 14/06/1997
- His Holiness Pope Shenouda III mentioned the importance of calling for a meeting of the heads of the three Eastern Orthodox Churches in the Middle Eas...
Keywords: Eccumenical dialogues, Eastern Orthodox Churches in the Middle East, Joint statement, Patriarch of Antioch
Chatper: Relations and Dialogues with Churches, Other Denominations, and International Institutes
Published: 26 May 2007
Dialogue with the Lutheran World Federation
In the meeting on 26/05/2007
The Holy Synod was informed of the initial welcome of Their Holinesses the Heads of our Eastern Orthodox Churches in the Middle East at the request of Luth...
Keywords: Eccumenical dialogues, Lutheran World Federation
Chatper: Relations and Dialogues with Churches, Other Denominations, and International Institutes
Published: 26 May 2007
Middle Eastern Council of Churches
In the meeting on 14/06/2003
The Holy Synod was informed that the General Assembly of the Council of Middle Eastern Churches will meet in Cyprus this year between 2-5 December 2003, fo...
Keywords: Eccumenical dialogues, Middle Eastern Council of Churches
Chatper: Relations and Dialogues with Churches, Other Denominations, and International Institutes
Published: 22 May 2010