Priests recommended to pray litanies audibly

The Synod have observed that many of the Priests have become accustomed to praying the litanies inaudibly during the conclusion of the rites of Vespers and Matins, and the Great Litanies before the Prayer of Reconciliation in the Divine Liturgy. The matter that is of concern to us is that the congregation think that these prayers have been deleted from the rituals of the Coptic Church. Likewise, Priests have begun to forget what they have learnt [to recite] by heart. Therefore, it is decided to recommend to the Priests in the dioceses to revert to the practice of these prayers audibly whenever it is possible. Audible prayers are preferred over inaudible prayers, as per the original rituals. It is noted that some dioceses have prohibited the prayer of inaudible prayers in the rite of vespers.

Published Date

01 June 1996


19. Rituals


Rites & Rituals, Priests, Liturgies, Hymns, Litanies, Raising of Incense

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  4. Chanting of "May their holy blessings"
  5. Clarification on the Psalm 150 refrain in Fast of Jonah distribution
  6. Clarification on the Psalm 150 refrain in Kiahk distribution
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  9. Prohobition to amendments of wording of liturgy
  10. The Rite of the Entry of the Lord into the Temple