Wearing the Eskim by HG Bishop Isodoros, HG Biship Basilus, Fr Faltaos, and Fr Yostos

Congratulations to His Grace Bishop Isodoros, Bishop and Head of the Monastery of the Baramos, and His Grace Bishop Basilius, Bishop and Head of the Monastery of St. Samuel the Confessor, on the occasion of His Holiness the Pope granting them the Eskim of monasticism. The Holy Synod was also informed of the fact that the blessed fathers, Hegumen Faltaos the Syrian the monk, and Hegumen Yostos Anba Bishoy the monk, also received the blessing of Eskim of monasticism.

Published Date

29 May 2004


5. Monks and Monasteries


Celebrations, Bishops, Monks, Consecrations & Ordinations

Related Decrees

  1. Decisions regarding monasteries in Akhmim and Fayoum
  2. Wearing the Eskim by HG Bishop Sarabamoun, HG Bishop Mettaos, HG Bishop Mina
  3. Amendment and approval of text of pledge for monks
  4. Assessment of applicants to monasticism
  5. Data collection of applicants for monasticism
  6. Dialogue with the Church of Sweden
  7. Ethipian Orthodox Church's hostility with the Church of Eritrea
  8. Further approval of pledge for monks, assessment of monks, and formalising monastic rules
  9. Illegitimate deposition of Patriarch Theophilus of Ethiopia
  10. Ordination of HG Bishop Daniel