Changes to Holy Synod Committees in 2010

It was decided that there be a Synodal committee for the satellite channels. This committee has provisionally met a few years ago, thus the Holy Synod permanent committees as follows:

  1. The Faith, Education and Legislative Committee.
  2. The Diocesans Affairs Committee.
  3. The Ecumenical Relations Committee.
  4. The Monastic Committee.
  5. The Ritual Committee.
  6. The Public Relations Committee.
  7. The Projects Committee.
  8. The Pastoral Care and Service Committee.
  9. The Secretariat Committee.
  10. The Oversight Committee.
  11. The Satellite Channels Committee.

Published Date

22 May 2010


2. Formation of the Permanent Committees of the Holy Synod


Holy Synod Committees, Holy Synod Secretariat, Public Relations Committee, Pastoral Care and Services Committee, Principle Constitution, Church Recordkeeping, Satellite Channels

Related Decrees

  1. Changes to Holy Synod Committees in 1985
  2. Changes to Holy Synod Committees in 1986
  3. HG Bishop Abram appointed to Secretariat
  4. Holy Synod Committees in 1979
  5. Agreed formation of sub-committee for housing special needs
  6. Formation of Committee for Satellite Channels
  7. Need for new sub-committees for pastoral work
  8. Reactivation of Public Relations Committee
  9. Requirement to form sub-committee for service of priests and their families
  10. System of working of Holy Synod Committees